What’s new in c#

This post will try to include recent updates in c# language.

Record types

C# 9.0 introduced record types. You can use the record keyword to define a reference type that provides built-in functionality for encapsulating data. Record with immutable properties using positional parameters or standard property syntax.
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
Record type offers the following features:

  • Concise syntax for creating a reference type with immutable properties
  • Behavior useful for a data-centric reference type:
    • Value equality
    • Concise syntax for nondestructive mutation
    • Built-in formatting for display
  • Support for inheritance hierarchies

Init only setters

Init only setters provide consistent syntax to initialize members of an object. With C# 9.0, you can create init accessors instead of set accessors for properties and indexers. 
You can declare init only setters in any type you write.

public class Member
public int Id { get; init; }
public string Name { get; init; }
public string Address { get; init; }
Callers can use property initializer syntax to set the values, while still preserving the immutability:

Member memberObj = new Member {
Id = 1,
An attempt to change an observation after initialization results in a compiler error:
// Error! CS8852.
memberObj.Address = “Boston”
Init-only setters can be useful to set base class properties from derived classes. They can also set derived properties through helpers in a base class.

Top-level statements

Top-level statements remove unnecessary ceremony from applications. for example
using System;

namespace HelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”);
There’s only one line of code that does anything. With top-level statements, you can replace all that boilerplate as shown below.
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”);
